





Mexico, the 14-16th centuries, heroes of Anahuac by nosuku-k on DeviantArt

2016-12-09 Sr.M,gracias! Thanks always!!
2016-11-23 Sr.M, gracias! I am surprised. Because..... you are in Mexico, but you seem to know the earthquakes in Japan.
2016-10-11 Sr.M, gracias! Thanks always!!
2016-09-25 N様、エジプト神話関係の漫画や絵はネット上のあちこちにあって、ファンの多い神話ですよね。ご訪問ありががとうございます!!
2016-09-14 エジプト神話好きのSさま、温かいエールありがとうございます!エジプト神話、いいですよね!!
2016-08-05 Sr.M, gracias! I will draw him more.
2016-06-06 Sr.m. gracias!! I am so glad that you always see my new works. In Japan, rainy season, too.
2016-05-12 Sr.M, gracias! I did my best after a long time. Thanks always!
2016-04-17 Sr. M, gracias. I am fine.
2016-03-19 Sr.M, gracias! Everyone can download these Tezcatlipoica illustrations and make these Tezcatlipoca T-shirts. Someday, please try them on.
2016-03-10 Sr.M, gracias! I drew a painting of Tizoc for the first time.
2016-03-06 Sr.M, gracias. Senor, I am glad that you like Japan. Gracias.
2016-03-05 Sr.M, gracias. When I watched your movie of all Aztec rulers, I thought that I wanted to draw all Mexican rulers. So I drew Cuitlahuac. I have to draw Tizoc and Cimalpopoca and Huitzilihuitl....... Because I rarely draw them. I like Ahuitzotl best. So I draw many works of him. But, from a Mexican artist, I heard that many Mexican people knew Cuauhtemoc, Moctezuma 2 and they did not know other rulers (Ahuitzotl, Itzcoatl, Tlacaelel ..... and so on) well.
2016-03-04 Sr.M, gracias! I wanted to draw Tlatoani Cuitlahuac.
2016-02-21 Sr.M, I saw your google. "Nezahualpilli's farewell address" , I could see Spanish version. Gracias.
2016-02-16 Sr.M, Gracias. Thank you for seeing my deviantART. Thank you for saying that you like the little ahuizotl.Gracias!!
2016-02-15 Sr.M, Gracias. I thought that you had the account of deviantART. Because you always see my new works on deviantART when I submit them to deviantART. Thanks always. And today, I submitted a new work to deviantART.
2016-02-14 Sr.M, Gracias!! emojiBy the way, do you have the account of deviantART? I am so glad that you always see my new works on deviantART.
2016-02-13 Sr.M, Gracias! Thanks always. You always cheer up me. I am so glad that you found Tezcatlipoca. Sometimes, I draw Tezcatlipoca on my works.
2016-01-21 Sr.T Hola. Perdon, I do not understand Spanish language. But, when someone tells my works to someone's friends, I am glad. I made a few Spanish version in deviantART. If you read those, I am glad.
[Spanish language version~"El emperador azteca y el pequeno ahuizotl"]
The new shield~"El escudo nuevo" http://fav.me/d8t7j81
Playing with the princess http://fav.me/d8mx89m
Flowers from the princess http://fav.me/d8od6d2
2016-01-19 Tさま 煙立つ鏡第6話をお読みいただきありがとうございます!!さすがにあんな神話は存在しませんので、実際のテスカ様はあのようなエロ神様ではないです。立派な神様です。神話でも、雨の神トラロクの妻を奪ったとか、トルテカで全裸を見せつけ乙女を誘惑したとか、自分が女に化けてトルテカの王様と同棲したというのが、多少あるくらいで、けっしてエロ神様などではないです。当時のテスカ様と人間のかかわりといえば、岩崎賢氏の論文「花は笑う : アステカ人の宗教における創造のシンボリズム」の、人間を運命でもてあそび、あざ笑うテスカさまと、それにひれ伏す人間の関係が、たぶん参考になる答えかもしれません。ものすごいテスカ様萌え論文ですので、テスカ様ファンにとっては神のような論文です。
2016-01-13 Tさま ありがとうございます!そうそう、テスカ様がケンカで負けたという神話を、90年近く前に日本人が少ない資料を元に創作した神話だと知らずに、ケンカで負けた話を描きまくっていたのですよ…。4回くらいは漫画で描いた気がします。5作目の「皇帝暗殺」のテスカ様が、ダークで人間を弄ぶ感じが、一番私の中のテスカ様のイメージに近いです。ハチドリの被り物の神様は、ウィツィロポチトリですね。ゲーム絵の感想もありがとうございます。フラグ、なんとなくわかりますので大丈夫です。また、ピクシブで作品を拝見するのを、楽しみに待ってます!!
2016-01-12 Tさま ああああ、うれしい!お久しぶりです!!ご来訪ありがとうございます!!この前のオー!サンズ、すごかったです!エジプト神話も最近は描いていませんが、大好きですので、作品、楽しみにしてますね!「煙立つ鏡」読んでくださり、ありがとうございます。全6作ですが、20年近く前の作品なので、恥ずかしくて、2、5,6のみ公開してます…。
2016-01-11 Sr.M, Gracias! I do not play with video games. So I do not know it. Tenebrae...... I used google.

Oh, as you said, he has a hand like a ahuizotl.
2015-12-21 Sr.M, Gracias!! Thanks always. You always cheer me up.I am so glad that you always see my new works. Happy Holidays, senor.
2015-11-24 テスカ様漫画にコメントくださった方、またまたありがとうございます!!ありがとうございます!!サイトをあちこち読んでくださって、感謝です!ネット上にはあちこちで、さまざまな絵師さんによるアステカ神話やエジプト神話創作がたくさんありますので、どんどんアステカが好きになってくださいましたら、うれしいです。
2015-11-21 テスカ様漫画にコメントくださった方、ありがとうございます!!1999年制作の古い漫画がサイトの看板漫画というのもちょっと恥ずかしいですが、現在ではネットが普及して、こうやって見ていただけて、本当によかったとしみじみ思っています。ありがとうございますー!!
2015-09-15 Sr.M Muchas gracias! Thanks always. I am so glad that you like the little ahuizotl!! Thanks always!!
2015-09-09 ( ´∀`)さま テスカ様、かっこいいですよね!!うちのサイトでは全力で押しております。
2015-08-22 Sr.M, gracias!! Thank you for the information!! Big news!! I am surprised!! Gracias, gracias, gracias!!
discover the great Tzompantli of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. http://www.inah.gob.mx/boletines/545-descubren-el-gran-tzompantli-de-mexico-tenochtitlan (in spanish) http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/aug/21/aztec-skull-trophy-rack-discovered-mexico-citys-templo-mayor-ruin-site (in english)
2015-08-07 Sr.M, gracias!! Thanks always! Hahaha, I am glad that you like MIxcoatl and "Quetzaltecolotl - Gatchaman"!! You always see my new works, thank you so much!!
2015-07-26 テスカトリポカイケメン(笑)とのメッセージを飛ばしてくださった方、めちゃくちゃ同意いたします。
2015-07-22 Sr.M, gracias! Of course, I know Gonzalo Guerrero. I have never drawn works of MAYA. But I think that he is wonderful.
2015-07-04 Sr.M, gracias!! I was surprised and so glad that you saw my new work immediately. I like Ahuitzotl best. So, when I draw him, I do my best more than usual.Tezcatlipoca espanol version you made are read by many people. This is the manga that are read best among my works on dA.
2015-06-11 Sr. M, garacias!! You always see my works, gracias!! I think that there are many heroes in your Mexico(they are too cool).
2015-05-21 Sr.M, gracias! Thanks always!! I tried to see the Museum of Archaeology and History of Mexico on Google art .But on my PC, I cannot see it well .... emoji I will try it again someday.
Senor said:"It's a virtual tour of the Museum of Archaeology and History of Mexico"
2015-05-16 Sr.M, gracias! I wish I could make my mangas of Spanish language version more and more. But it is difficult. I will make them poco a poco.
2015-05-12 Sr.M, gracias! Thanks always!! Espanol:MANGA Tezcatlipoca (you translated it) are read by many readers on dA. Gracias!!
2015-04-10 Tさま、ありがとうございます!!アステカ知識は、他のアステカファンの方(主に、約翰さまです)に教わることが多くて、マヤウェルの話も彼女から聞いたものです。日本語文献は情報が古いものが多いですが、今頃はネットがあって、翻訳サイトを使って英語ページが読めますし、少しずつ頑張っていきたいと思っております。またいらしてくださいますと喜びます。(^^)
2015-04-08 Sr.M, muchas gracias! I uploaded Espanol version "Tezcatlipoca" you made to deviantART. GRACIAS!! I hope that many Mexican people will read it.
2015-04-07 A様、From Mexihko Tenoxtitlan, muchas gracias!! Soy feliz! I want to draw Aztec gods and heroes, as "manga" version, more and more. If you sometimes see my works, I am so happy.
2015-04-07 Sr.M, Gracias! You showed my works to your friends on your google, many guests came to my deviantART. Gracais!! I do not have a Google account, but I could see your site, for the first time. I am so glad that you love Aztecs and my works. I saw that my manga "Tezcatlipoca" that you translated in Spanish language. I was surprised. I would like to upload the Spanish "Tezcatlipoca" manga that you made to my deviantART and my site. I want to show it to Mexican people, I want that Mexican people will read my manga. Of course, I will write "Translated by your name". O.K.?
2015-04-06 Sr.M, Thanks always! Muchas gracias! I tried to write Spanish language on my manga for the first time. The Mexican artist helped me. Because I made Spanish language version, I wish that Mexican people would read my manga. If you show my manga to your Mexican friends on SNS(Facebook, etc.), I am so glad. (But I don't have a Facebook account.....)
2015-03-25 Fu様、Thank you for seeing my Egyptian myth manga. I read some books of Egyptian myth in Japanese language. And I read Japanese sites about Egyptian myth. But, in Japan, we cannot read many books of Aztec gods in Japanese language. I am not good at English, so I use translation sites, and I read English sites on net. When I want to know Aztec gods, I read English sites. If you see sites about Azteca, I am glad. Mexicolore is one of good sites.
2015-03-21 Sr.M, Gracias! You always see my new works. I am so glad.Thanks always!!
2015-03-14 Sr.M, gracias!! I did not know the site that you told me. I will see it.「京都ラテンアメリカ研究所」
2015-01-30 Sr.M, gracias!! Of course, I like Tezcatlipoca best, too.
2015-01-20 Sr.M, gracias! Perdon,...I cannot see it on my PC....
As it happens, I saw it on FB(I do not have FB account, but I sometimes see it). But I cannot see it.
I see it here.
2015-01-15 Sr. m, Gracias!! I am so glad that you said Aztec foods in my work looked delicious. I live in the country, so my town does not have a Mexican restaurant..... When I was a student, I sometimes ate Enchilada. I want to eat Enchilada, again....
2015-01-14 Sr.M, Gracias! Thanks always!! I am so glad that I was given your words from Mexico. In Mexico, there are a lot of wonderful foods, when I drew my new works, I wanted to eat them.
2015-01-07 アステカに~さま 温かいお言葉、ありがとうございます!歴史系の記事を求めていらしてくださったようで、ありがとうございます!!漫画のほうはフィクションという姿勢で描いておりますが、歴史には諸説あるようです。私は英語が苦手ですが、今は翻訳サイトが発達していて英語サイトを見ることができますので、リンク集からいろいろ回ってみてみてくださいませ。



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